Friday, February 09, 2007

My Funny Valentine(s)

Below:They look so innocent here on the plane, don't they? But, they were chilling after being my funny family and taking these goofy photos!
My Funny Valentine(s) ~ Frank Sinatra
My funny valentine(s)
Sweet comic valentine(s)
You make me smile with my heart
Your looks are laughable,
Yet you're my favorite work(s) of art.
Thanks for all the fun you add to my life, guys. I love you! (By the way, they actually took these pictures of each other while goofing around with my camera when we were waiting at an airport together last winter.)
And, Anne and Jed, Happy 7 month Anniversary TODAY!

1 comment:

Lindahl News 2 said...

Actually, the lyrics have it all are all VERY photographable!