The most recent book I've been reading came highly recommended by many people with discerning literary tastes. And it has been a very good read about the German occupation of the Channel Islands off the coast of the United Kingdom. The island residents form a book club of sorts (with the name of the book title) to get around all the limitations, domination and fear of the regime. The characters are much like the ones in the Karon Mitford Series and you just fall in love with their quirky charms and poignant stories. When I got to the part about the chickens (exerpt here)
...chickens being the reason I fell off a hen-house roof - they'd chased me there. How they all came at me - with their razor lips and back-to-back eyeballs! People don't know how chickens can turn on you, but they can - just like mad dogs.
it made me think of my nephew Ryan's nice chickens. They would never turn on me like mad dogs, would they? So, I had to test out the chickens - Colonel Randers, Natasha Luiken and Nancy - all female Rhode Island Reds. Here they are in their pen:
Linda, thanks for your comment on FB. I liked hearing the book was one of your favorites! The letter format was masterful, wasn't it?
i'm honored to be featured on your blog, deb. for the record, hen #2 is nastia liukin--so called because of the olympic gymnast's similarity to my current roommate's nickname. nancy is named after my other current roommate's mother, who also happens to be an accomplished author.
Ryan! Fun to hear from you and I appreciate the name info. Say "hi" to the girls from me, okay?
FYI. The comments I deleted were mine as the one repeated itself three times!
I am happy to say that I have that book on my "hold" list at the library. Thanks for posting the pics of Ryan and his chickens!
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