My thanks go out to a certain Mr. James Taylor - one of my favorite singers, by the way - for singing the song My Ducks are All in a Row. Here are the lyrics I can't seem to shed at present:

In line, in line, it's all in a line
My ducks are all in a row

They do not shift, they do not move
They have nowhere to go.
Obviously, my ducks-in-a-row on the home front are presently not in a nice line-up formation. My brain is crackling with a lengthy to-do/to-go/to-remember list. Maybe the song playing in the cerebellum is meant as a helpful voice to keep me on task?
What do you do when you can't get a song out of your head?
I post it on Facebook and then Andrea and/or Nate give me a new lyric to get stuck thinking about.
Pam, that sounds like it might work!
On the day that you were born,
the angels got together
and decided to create a dream come true....
Ha! Andrea you are funny. But I did get to sing it at John's wedding (rehearsal dinner). It was one of my life's high points!
Check that one off the Bucket List.
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