Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Now About that Dala... (P*S*C* #48)

Chances are good that if you come from Swedish "stock" you will know what a Dala Horse is.
These wooden horses have a long history.  Around 400 years ago in the Dalerna Province in 
Sweden, woodcarvers fashioned these horses as toys for their children.  In January this year,
Luther College students gathered to take a class in Scandinavian arts and learn the craft of
carving.  Their horses have been on dispay in the American Swedish Institute in Minneapolis,
ending their "run" shortly.  (As in today!)  Joining in the exhibit were others who had carved
horses independently or with their fellow woodcarvers --- not sure how that worked exactly.

Here you can see some of the carved horses.  Note the THING ONE and THING TWO
on the top left.
Grade schoolers also got into the Dala decorating!  The yellow one (left) done by Cindy used
a lot of trimmings and rick rack - a girl after my heart for sure!

Humor was apparent in many of the Dala renditions.  There was an Elvis Presley-ish horse that was titled "You Ain't Nothing But a Hound Dala" and a Dala Llama. Here we see the Dala Parton horse
complete with ample "bosombas."  Yes, they were carved right into the Dala!

Wes and his Dad enjoyed the exhibit.  Perhaps they, too, should take up the craft of woodcarving?  Some of our friends have:  Bill, Don and Kass and Mary to name a few.

Together they stand behind the huge carved Dala horse that was meant to be signed by names of visitors to the exhibit, as well as those who contributed their carvings to the show.

There was no room left for us to pen our names here.
Surely that means this exhibit has been a smashing success?

In all, there were well over 100 entries from all over --- near and far. Young artists, college students, grandparents, famous and not-so-famous, all had something to say with their pieces.
I especially liked this yellow Dala in an original carving rendition called "Nobel
Peace Prize Horse" and personally signed by former president
Jimmy Carter.
Let's hear it for the Dala Horse and the universal language of art!

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