What a jolly good time we had dressing Miss E in her St. Paddy's Day outfits. Her little Bumbo seat even got a covering of green.
(How did we ever raise our kids in the old days without a Bumbo - they are amazing little contoured seats which allow even a little peanut to sit upright on a table or countertop supervised, of course, allowing the baby to be a part of food preparation activity or dinner conversation.)

The shoes are pretty big on her tiny little feet...all the better for stuffing those gold coins in from the pot at the end of the rainbow I guess!
Ellie also modeled a green shirt with cute little shamrock-shaped pockets on the front side for her close-up head shot:
I learned something new with this project and that was how to use felt roving and a needle punch to insert the little green flower design right into the fibers of the green blanket.
She was such a dear to let us fuss over her and pose her here and there.
In fact, she seemed to rather like it. She is smiling these days and here's proof to Wes (again) that I beat him in this friendly little ongoing contest we have between the two of us.

Just love the last two pictures! What a happy grandma and granddaughter!!!!!
Look at that smiling girl! precious!
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