Friday, June 08, 2012

Yes, I Do Love Grou_on! (And Chicago.)

Once again, the G word that rhymes with coupon has delighted
us with another adventure!  This time we took a River Walk guided
tour in the city to learn more about Chicago's history.

John and Kari joined us.

Many facts about the history we had already known, such as the
World Columbian Exposition in 1893.
However, not known was how much  larger that Ferris wheel
was than the current one at Navy Pier. 
Check out the visual!

Another new discovery was the whole underground
system for the Metra.
Sis, you were right about the station that would let you
off at Marshall Field's (now Macy's).

Here's the map showing the extent of the Chicago Fire.
Unreal to think of the damge done and the amount of lives lost.
Did you know that the history behind the name of "Second City"
comes from the rebuilding of the city this second time following the fire?

The tour included a notebook with maps and old
The reversal of the Chicago River is shown here. 
This is an interior shot of the Chicago Cultural Center.
The dome is Tiffany.

For me, the discovery of the Pedway
was a big one - a city under the city
that spans between 3 and 4 miles.

Seriously, I love our city of Chicago with its quirky, interesting history.
And Grou_on for giving us the experience of enjoying it
at a reduced ticket price!

1 comment:

Linnea said...

What a fun city you live in! I had lots of recommendations for my 2 coworkers going this summer, thanks to my excellent tour! :)