Monday, March 05, 2007

My Scrabble Addiction

I have loved playing word games for as long as I can remember! It all started with Spill 'n Spell in the early 1960's. Then Scrabble. Then Perquacky. Then Boggle. Then Upwords.
Now I have returned to Scrabble via computer. The game lets me choose my opponents in human or computer form. I can play by myself with levels from Beginner to Genius. I can have a dictionary with the click of a key, hints if I need them (which I only use if I am being walloped by my computer opponent), and the best part of all...I DON'T have to score anything manually!
I can choose to set a timer for myself and play a "speed" round when I have a set amount of time free, or I can let the game be played at a leisurely pace over several days' time as it suits me.
And, I am exercising my brain as I play. I have learned so many new words from my computer
opponent such as quod (meaning prison), aalii (meaning tropical tree). There is no such word as
bling in the official Scrabble dictionary. It's fun to get x's for such words as xi (Greek letter) or
xu (money unit of Viet Nam). There are lots of great words with q's in them. But, I have come to detest getting the letters c and v. K's can also be painful.
The biggest thrill of all is to use all seven tiles in the rack and not only be rewarded with a lot of points, but the computer screen flashing the word Bingo! and hearing the little twinkling chimes
sound simultaneously. I have hit the jackpot in the comfort of my own home.
(By the way, can you tell I have reached new heights in my current CABIN FEVER by playing and reporting about this addiction of mine!! Come spring! Come summer!!!)


simplicity said...

I love scrabble too! You've given me a new idea for tonight.

Right after Henry was born Jeff and I used to play Dominos in the evenings, maybe we should play scrabble now!

I'm ready for spring and summer too...ahh to hear the birds chirping, feel the warm sunshine and take a walk...that's what I'm talking about!

Jed and Anne said...

You go girl on the Scrabble...What a way to get rid of cabin fever!