Saturday, June 27, 2009

Looking for a Gift Suggestion? Part Two.

A friend and I were recently shopping in downtown L'ville at The Present Moment when we came upon a fun item on display: The Buddha Board. A bluegray board is propped up easel style and a paintbrush and dipping well are attached. All you do is dip the paintbrush in water, paint away, and in minutes the water evaporates and you are left with a clean slate to paint afresh. For my usuallly practical, cerebral husband I thought this might be the perfect gift for Father's Day.'s not the usual tie, shirt or pen kind of gift!
Looks were directed my way, once the gift was opened, which asked the question, "Are you crazy? This is reaaaaaallly weird for EVEN you!" Until, one at a time, they created their very own evaporating masterpieces and listened raptly while the painter explained his/her "work" of art.

And Wes? He's painting daily now, illustrating parts of a book he is reading about the parables.

As well as surprising me with random sweet, fleeting notes of affection and humor...this is but ONE of them.

Funny how this little simple board draws our visitors in to create or write. This weekend Kass and Don tried it out (these are Kari's parents in for a city visit).
Seems like a no-brainer to get one of these for your home, too. Far better than text messages, I'd say.


simplicity said...

So funny and probably not something I'd typically see or even look at in a store but neat to see here and makes me even more curious about it! looks like EVERYONE enjoyed it :)

Lindahl News 2 said...

S - It is a pretty random "find" to be sure. I was a little put off by the name of the item with Buddha in it. (Sounded rather Zen-like for me.) However, I think your kids might like something like this!