Sunday, July 10, 2011

Chillin' in the North Woods (But Bring the Bug Spray!) Pink Suitcase Chronicles #39

Poor Pink. She was barely home for less than two weeks when whisk she was once again pulled from the nice, quiet closet to be packed up for yet another trip! This time she went to the North Woods in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan for the annual 5-way family birthday party...more on that later. All seven of our immediate family were in attendance, plus Wes' parents. Having Ellie cooling off with us was a true delight. We certainly did beat the heat that was going on back home, but there was a price to pay - and the price came in the six-legged variety known for its ability to extract blood from animals and humans. Ah yes, the mosquito. Very annoying and ever-present, but we sprayed and tried not to fixate.
Cooling off in the new (to us) boat was such fun. The former Captain, once again, ruled supreme in the seat on the right of this photograph. It wasn't long until he slid into the seat on the left to
cruise the waters on the lake.
The usual chilly early July water was warmer than usual.
We all found ourselves enticed by its clear, refreshing power.
Twenty eight years ago, the little girl on the dock was Anne, and the mother in the raft with outstretched arms was me. It is oh-so-sweet to be watching the younger generation carry on what was started by Wes' parents, then us. Life is good.
And Wes and I even made the rounds on the "tube" behind the boat - just for old (geezers) time sake!
Here's to you keeping c-o-o-l during these hot, hot days. Perhaps this post has helped you just a wee bit. As for those mosquitoes, we hope they have no interest in crossing the state line.

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