Friday, December 15, 2006

For you, Elin (revised)

In honor of Anne's Swedish SVF roommate in 2001, I'd like to honor this true blue Swede, Elin, with a post of a Sankta Lucia Pageant we attended this past weekend at North Park. (I apologize that this report is different from the original one on December 13th, but I somehow deleted it from my blog and had to rewrite and repost.) We had the pleasure of getting to know Elin when we visited SVF in '01, and Elin visited us again the following year in the U.S. Back she came this summer for Anne and Jed's wedding in July, and we had so much fun spending the 4th of July in our hometown with Elin! Those wild and crazy Pepperkaksgubbarna wore quite mismatched clothing,(scandalously tight knickers) and threw Daim candy with much gusto into the audience. The Lucia pageant processional...does it look similar to your SVF group in London in 2003, Elin? (Lucia as portrayed by Linnea Johnson.) Jed's "special effects" of the lit candles Mother, daughter and son following the pageant

1 comment:

Lindahl News 2 said...

Elin, I tried and tried to restore the picture of you and Anne on the picnic blanket on the 4th, but the Blogger just wouldn't accept sorry!