Monday, August 20, 2012

Picture This (Pink Suitcase Chronicles #51)

This time when I packed Pink for our third (and final) trip to our North Woods cabin, I also
packed two old photo albums and a new book I found at the library:  DEAR PHOTOGRAPH
by Taylor Jones.  The author explains how it all started by sitting in his old boyhood kitchen
while going through old photographs. Once the photo was in his grasp, he matched it with the
current-day background and snapped a picture of the "vintage" picture...get it?

This got me going!  How fun would it be to use our kids-at-the-cabin photos?  Answer:
waay fun.  Oh, and the author also suggests writing a little caption to go with the photo as if
writing a letter.  So with this in mind, here goes!

Photo #1
Dear Photograph,
    How was I supposed to know it would eventually be my job to put up and take down
this dock when I grew up?  And, sheesh, it's the same old dock some twenty five years
later!  At least Dad still pays me in steaks.


Photo #2

Dear Photograph,
    Who could ever imagine all the times I'd pass through this back door to our cabin?
Not only me now, but my husband, my daughter and the new "bun" growing inside
me this summer have passed through the door - trying not to slam it, of course, in 2012.

Photo #3

Dear Photograph,
     These two kids had a love/hate relationship sometimes.  I hoped that they would get
along someday and become friends.  It happened!  Yay!!!


Photo #4

Dear Photograph,
     Even though the oldest two never married each other like their moms had planned,
they are still buddies!  And the youngest three are, too.  We have always loved those
handsome, charming Rholl boys.

The Lindahls

Photo #5

Dear Photograph,
     Sitting together on these lawn chairs, (oldest to youngest from left to right), they still
make their parents proud - and six more kids have been born since this picture of them
was taken!  And one is now even a grandpa himself!!


Photo #6

Dear Photograph,
    We are now grandmas and we don't "do" perms anymore, thank goodness!


Photo #7

Dear Photograph,
     I miss those days when we had all the kids around and made them do things they
didn't want to do like hiking up the hill.  And when Grandma could make the hike with
us, too.

Kris, Renee and Deb


simplicity said...

I love this idea. So sweet reminisce like this!

Lindahl News 2 said...

Samara, with the amount of pictures you take, you should try this! It was really fun!