Monday, September 05, 2011

Labor Day with the Queen

Did you ever have a day where you woke up and thought, "Hmm...we should go to a place that will take us out of the ordinary. A place where we could maybe catch a glimpse of a queen, see strolling minstrels, watch as brave men ride horses and joust, see women with flowers in their hair, and be entertained by sword fighters, tightrope walkers and jugglers of fire?" Well, we did. Just across the Wisconsin border is such a place and it is called the
Bristol Renaissance Faire. That's how we spent our holiday today and it was simply delightful fun.
We heard songs of yore, watched as a daring young man tossed about sticks of fire,
learned gallant behavior traits from Dirk and Guido,
cheered on our favorite knight in the joust (he won!),
ate Cornish pasties,
and finally, yes finally, saw the Queen pass by on her horse of white.
We followed her to her court outside the castle and listened as minstrels
sang songs for her listening pleasure,
And then watched as she ate lunch as she greeted her Loyal Subjects. Us!
It was a jolly good day.
A day of saying good-bye to summer. A very good summer, indeed.

1 comment:

Lindahl News 2 said...

Fun to hear that you, Ellen, and daughter Annie and friend were here the same weekend we were! Great way to say good-bye to summer, huh?