Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Walk-Around-the-Lake Tradition (P*S*C* #22)

It was six years ago that we started the tradition of walking around our lake every fall. It's about a six mile trip and we psych ourselves up to do it...we're no spring chickens! We pack water, a light snack (usually caramel apples), wear layered clothing in case the weather changes (which it usually does in the course of our walk) and wear the right shoes. And, obviously the camera is a must!! This year, however, the rules changed. With Anne and Jed with us, a six mile walk was out of the question due to the special guest Anne is presently housing. So what did we do? We walked two miles and the drove the car the other 4 miles. Let's hear it for rule-bending!
As we walked, we had a chance to talk. Father and daughter. Daughter and husband. Mother and daughter. Spouse and spouse. Son-in-law and mother-in-law.
No water or snacks on this trip. Layers of clothes were removed or added. No blisters. Sunny when we started out, and raining by the time we had finished. And a camera to capture it all. Tradition is good.

1 comment:

Lindahl News 2 said...

Thanks Ken, Joan and Marie...it is a "kool" thing if I can quote Ken!